Comes with a minimum of 2 frames of Larva, 1 frame of pollen, 1 frame of honey, and 1 expansion frame, and includes a mated Queen bee.
Each Nuc that you purchase will also come with one One Pound of Super Pollen Patty, and one Complete Bee 100ML. This is a $24 value. Please note that you will need more Super Pollen Patty to get you through the spring and the fall, so we recommend that you add 6 more pounds of Super Pollen Patty to your cart now, before you check out.
Please Note: This product will not be shipped to your address. You must meet us at a designated pick-up location, at a specific date & time. Please read more about Delivery Dates & Times.
BRING YOUR PRINTED RECEIPT, PLEASE! No receipt, no bees, no exceptions!
Please read before ordering: Terms and Conditions
Please provide an email address, and text-capable phone number when checking out, so we can update you if the Delivery Dates & Times change.
*We offer a special price for club orders of 25 or more nucs. Please Contact Us, or call for pricing at 907-360-8182.
*All sales are final. If you fail to show up on time and pick up your order, then you forfeit your bees.
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